Monday, March 9, 2015

WHY Baxter Springs, KS???

This small town of ours has taken quite a beating over the last few years.  Loss of industry, failed small businesses, high taxes and then that stupid tornado that blew through town last April and damaged over 200 homes and 12 commercial properties.  And now...Wal-Mart is leaving!  How on earth will we survive this blow to our little community?
So, WHY IN THE WORLD would I want to start a new business in a town that seems to have so little going for it right now. One where the odds seem to be stacked against it?...Why not?
This has been a dream of mine for far too long and I've done nothing about it.  I never made the leap.
I think now is as good a time as any, maybe even a better time!
Right now the chant is "Shop Local"!! So, open a Local Shop!
The concept of business plan behind The Fancy Farmer is one of a business incubation.  Mix many elements into one store to see what the town can support.  If and when any one element of the business goes BANANAS with popularity and revenue you move that element into it's own store front, eliminate another vacant building in our downtown and move another element into The Fancy Farmer to be incubated.  It's certainly a different approach than has been taken around here before, and I think a different approach is just what we need.
Baxter is screaming for a change of scenery! It is looking for a new direction.  It is open to new ideas!  I believe it is time for the Resurrection of the Cowtown!
Small towns not far from us are making it happen! Shops are moving in , restaurants are opening up, the down town in coming alive, so WHY NOT US?
I believe in the model that has been created, I believe in the citizens of Baxter Springs and their desire to support local business and I believe in the town...I think this will work!

“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead


  1. Jen I think this is an excellent strategy and will work. Good job Jen! Danny

  2. Wishing you the best of luck, with your work ethic it should be a asset for the City of Baxter Springs. Marla

  3. Jen,
    We love your store.... Can't wait to stop by again.
